
Harvest Logistics works smarter, maximising logging truck utilisation ensuring competitive cartage rates.

Logging Truck utilisation

The efficient running of logging trucks is the fundamental way to enable reliable contractors to run at sustainable rates. Harvest Logistics’ centralised dispatch system, running multiple fleets of logging trucks to multiple locations gives us the ability to dispatch trucks to your specific requirements in the most efficient way. Optimising trucks run sheets, and fully utilising fleets of trucks ultimately reduces the cartage cost for our customers.

Increasing loaded percentages

When backloads are available there can be huge savings in cartage rates – the higher a trucks loaded percentage, the lower the cartage rate. Harvest Logistics is constantly looking for ways to back load trucks and run them more efficiently. Our transparent systems mean that if we can back load a truck, those savings are passed directly back to our customers.

Economies of scale

Harvest Logistics uses economies of scale to ensure we can grow our fleet of contractors to meet upcoming truck demands. A large pool of clients mean that we can run our trucks on long term contracts – in turn this means we have the best gear available and a sizeable fleet which can meet all truck demands. With access to multiple fleets of trucks and multiple clients we can dispatch our trucks smarter to ensure your consignments are moved on time, every time.

Multiple carriers

Using multiple carriers has two main advantages:

  • Increased availability of trucks means we can ensure your goods are moved as required.
  • Availability of all combinations of units means we can ensure we are running the right gear for the job.

Giving our customers piece of mind that the prices they are offered in that region are competitive.

Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF)

Harvest Logistics runs a monthly FAF model ensuring your cartage price is in line with current diesel pricing.

HLL is leading the way with its custom built software used to dispatch it’s trucks. The app creates efficiency and elimates a large amount of human error.

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